Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Rockin' the Casbah

I heard about this Iranian newspaper today, and they're holding this contest for the best Holocaust cartoon. I was thinking this was pretty stupid because they only want to do it in retaliation for the Mohammed cartoon in the Danish newspaper. I don't know how many Danish Jews there are, or how many read the Iran Times. Then I also thought maybe I should subscribe to that newspaper because there haven't been many political cartoons about the Holocaust, and this contest is bound to turn up some original stuff. I like original stuff.

Y'know "Iran," in Persian, translates to "Land of the Aryans."

Making fun of the Holocaust is uncharted territory. Virgin soil. I guess that's because it would offend a bunch of people. And then I thought maybe Iran and Denmark are having all the fun, and it's time America stepped back into the game. Offending people is our thing. Where's the U.S. in all this? So then I figured out the best way to beat them both and maintain our position as the most offensive nation of all. An American should win their contest! Then I thought maybe I could be that American.



Blogger Jaromir Blagr said...

Definitely! Those cartoons sucked. They weren't even funny. C'mon, Mohammed with a big fat looney toons bomb on his head? What does that even mean?

9:33 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am offended.

5:07 PM EST  

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